The Top Theme of 2024

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
– Steve Jobs

In past years I have provided our customers with an annual summary of the top jewelry trends in our industry. To write a summary like I have previously wouldn’t honor the significance of what I am feeling in my heart, observing with my intellect, and sensing in my gut.

Over these past couple years, I have been working alone in the office and warehouse. I spend my days in solitude listening to podcasts and books. With supply chain disruptions, innovation has been kept at a snail’s pace. I’ve witnessed as the fashion industry revamped itself while the production cycles for manufacturing and releasing products changed. On a global scale, the human race was being called to slow down and focus on what was essential.

Steve Jobs’ quote helped me to look backwards and start to “connect the dots.” As a result, during this time of the “great reset,” I began to see what I believe to be a dominant and overarching theme. That theme is spiritual renaissance.

Before you stop reading because you don’t like the direction I’m heading here, I ask you to hear me out. Although I was raised Catholic, I have not practiced any one religion since I was eighteen. I would describe myself as a person who has been on a deep and personal spiritual path my whole adult life.

This has been an experience I rarely share with others. I have found ways to express my spirituality through art, product development, and by running a creative business that serves other artisans.

It is my personal belief that we are all energetically connected to one another and to the natural world. I believe we all come from the same essence of goodness, light, and joy, and through various life situations we forget our true nature. We start to believe false truths about ourselves, and humanity as a whole. I think the theme of spiritual renaissance is the result of the collective human consciousness knowing that it is time to awaken and to start living our lives differently.

I’m not making these statements based on a couple dots I connected from world leaders that have dropped a couple of buzz words. I’m also basing my observations from top selling books, podcasts, online courses, movies, and other events.

So how does this theme apply to the world of makers? How does art cross over into the world of spirituality and science? How are we, as creatives, to play our parts in the evolution of mankind? I think the answer is through the act of creation itself.

We can assemble miniature microcosms of intricate landscapes highlighting the tiniest of nature’s beauty encased in resin. We can sculpt the imagery of a goddess who reminds us of the importance of agriculture, fertility, and the seasons. Through iconic jewelry we can focus our attention to the stars and cosmos, reminding us of the vastness of the universe which we inhabit. We can embed messages of hope into metal so that people can be reminded throughout the day of why they are here, and why their precious life matters.

As artists, makers, and creatives, we have the ability to set the visual stage in support of a spiritual renaissance. How will you respond and creatively express yourself to help humanity awaken to the need to be our best and true selves?

All my love-

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