The State of Our Union

Thank you everyone for an amazing October. We succeeded our projected forecasts for sales way beyond what we imagined. November’s sales are also off to an amazing start with No Minimum Monday! For this, we are most grateful for your commitment to your creativity and support of Nunn Design.

In the earlier years of Nunn Design, Heather created an excel spreadsheet that contained all the financial information for the company. The document was titled The State of Our Union and it was circulated monthly amongst the staff at Nunn Design. Our intentions were to be transparent with the state of our businesses affairs so that we could all collaborate and support the company’s mission; Through collaborative relationships, Nunn Design inspires and nurtures creativity.

I am writing to you today in The State of Our Union fashion, so that you can be aware of the many changes that we as a company are navigating. Over these past years, we have restructured the running of our day-to-day operations, navigated through supply chain disruptions, adjusted to labor shortages and have mourned the loss of fellow creative colleagues who have closed their doors and are no longer in business. My intention is to be transparent and to bring you along on this great journey of running a creative business that supplies artisans around the globe.

Let’s get started!

Day-To-Day Operations

During the pandemic, we reconstructed just about every aspect of running the company. We streamlined, upgraded systems and automated everything we could. This allowed us to work with less staff during the many months of the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes also allowed us to focus on our own self-care and for the care of our families. Without our own health, we won’t be able to focus on giving to our greater community of makers.

I want to thank all of you for your patience as we have navigated these changes. Our email responses might take longer to send, special orders might take longer to turn around and our amount of out-of-stock products might have taken longer to replenish.

Supply Chain Disruption

During Covid-19, our supplier of wire that created our jump rings, ear wires and findings went out of business. We also lost one of our manufactures that formed all of these findings. We invested heavily in inventory during those unsure months of the global shutdown so that we could have inventory to sell. This also bought us time to source wire, convince other manufactures to create the items we needed and to retool. These changes have been slow and some findings we simply can’t create.

You might notice in your next order, that a jump ring or ear wire isn’t exactly the same. This is why. We have done our best to create a seamless transition, but honestly, it has been bloody hard!!!

Labor Shortages

Running a small business and managing a staff is challenging during good times. Since the pandemic, it has been impossible for companies throughout our industry to find employees to come to work. As a result, our lead times for restocking products has taken longer.

The Loss of TierraCast Inc and Others

We felt great sadness when one of the industry leaders in jewelry findings, TierraCast Inc, announced they will be closing their doors and going out of business. The ripple was felt around the globe and a shock wave of panic followed.

We had many emails from customers needing to be reassured of our company’s health. While others purchased heavily of inventory items, from Nunn Design, that skewed our stocking levels and leaving us depleted of stock. The “catch-up” game of restocking when those disruptions happen takes time.

Holding to our Mission

Nunn Design, throughout all of these challenges, has stayed true to our mission. It has taken focus, discipline and determination. If we are all going to thrive as business owners, it will take a continuation of collaboration, transparency and communications to do so.

The parts that you can contribute in all of this is by planning ahead, communicating on upcoming inventory needs, being patient and letting us know what findings you are in need of.

Throughout our time as being partners in creativity, I have always had a deep sense that we are in this together. Together, unified, we will remain strong. We, at Nunn Design, will do our part in supporting you!

Now, get creating and kick some butt out there!

All my love to each of you-

Shop Nunn Design Wholesale

Nunn Design has been supplying jewelry artists with findings for over 20 years. Shop wholesale jewelry findings for creative jewelry makers.

Shop Nunn Design!

How to Purchase Wholesale?

If you are interested in becoming one of the many designers who trust their jewelry to Nunn Design Findings, please join us by registering to become one of our wholesale customers!

Please visit our Where to Buy Page for a listing of online stores that sell Nunn Design Findings retail.

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1 thoughts on “The State of Our Union

  1. Jenny says:

    Thank you for continuing to be a reliable source for quality products and valuable info! Your efforts do not go unnoticed 🙂

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