Artisan Spotlight: Sugar Sidewalk

Hope Schoenbacher, of Sugar Sidewalk, hasn’t always created jewelry.  In fact her “real job” use to be in the mobile software industry prior to her leap into a life of creativity. Hope’s keen eye for design, a love for type, and a self professed addiction to “Pantone Colors” help her tell her client’s story in […]

Look What Is On My Table – Melissa Williamson

There is a hodgepodge of  “ideas,” in various states of completion, on my coffee table. My massive coffee table is often my creative space, that or my bed. But since I’m playing more with epoxies and resins I’ve since stopped trying to create on my bed. My duvet has enough acrylic paint and ink stains […]

2013 Summer Collection Giveaway

Enter To Win Our 2013 Summer Collection Giveaway! ***GIVEAWAY CLOSED*** Nunn Design® is giving away a sampling of our 2013 Summer Collection!  One lucky winner will get a chance to play with our new leather cuff bracelet, our channel bangle and cuff, metal beads, bezels, a traditional ring, traditional cufflinks, flat tags and more!  With […]

18 Free DIY Jewelry Tutorials

Our mission at Nunn Design® is; Through collaborative relationships, Nunn Design inspires and nurtures creativity. We hold the belief that in addition to producing innovative high quality products, it is our job to inspire our customers to be creative AND to show them how to do so. But, even with the best intentions of dedicating […]

In the Press-Bead Design Studio

Innovation Team Members Stephanie Gard Buss and Karen McGovern where both featured in the August 2013 issue of Bead Design Studio. Make sure to pick-up an issue to see the “how-to” behind several of these projects. You can even download the instructions for the “Beach in a Bubble Ring” here:    

Artisan Feature – Susan Rios

Susan Rios, a valued customer of Nunn Design, was recently featured in Romanic Country Magazine. A professional artist for 30 years, Susan spent the early years of her career working as a floral designer. She soon discovered that blending flowers was similar to mixing colors on a palette. To this day, flowers are an ever-present […]

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