Nunn Design Jewelry Kits for Embroidery Inspiration! Featuring Jessica of Namaste Embroidery

Jessica of Namaste Embroidery was the first embroidery artist that I approached when I was developing the Jewelry Kits for Embroidery. Since our first interaction, Jessica’s online business of kits, patterns and classes has really flourished (she now has 222k followers on Instagram!). I’m grateful that Jessica took the time to collaborate with us once again to explore the newest jewelry kits.

Jessica fit in time between stitching, being a mom and her yoga classes to answer a couple questions about her creative process.

Becky: What are some of your challenges in owning a small business? How do you balance your creative/business/family life?

Jessica: It’s super hard! I still struggle some days, especially working from home. It’s easy to get distracted by housework or my cats beckoning me for a nap. I have found that setting a timer really helps me. I used to work in a lab so I miss the opportunity to troubleshoot with coworkers. But, I have connected with other business owners online and it’s been great to have them around to bounce ideas off of. I also try to fit in a few yoga classes a week for balance and to help with anxiety. It’s amazing how much smaller my to do list looks after taking a class!

Becky: Have you felt vulnerable in any way, as you have gained more exposure with your embroidery?

Jessica: For sure. Being popular on any social media platform can make anyone vulnerable! There are so many amazing, caring and supportive people online who encourage me with their positive comments. However, there are also some people online who actually take time out of their lives to tell me that they don’t like what I am doing, or that I am doing it wrong. But I try to focus on those positive folks, the ones who really matter. Also, with more eyes on my work I find more copycats and re-posters who are using my work to sell their products. It can be painful to see your hard work reproduced and resold.

Being popular on any social media platform can make anyone vulnerable! … There are also some people online who actually take time out of their lives to tell me what they don’t like… But I try to focus on those positive folks, the ones who really matter.”

Becky: Do you set creative and business goals for yourself?  Could you share one?

Jessica: I do but I don’t always stick to them! For example I wanted to release a new pattern every month this year but ultimately I haven’t stuck to my timeline. I think it has been good to give myself the flexibility to fit in time for other projects, such as my classes with Craftsy. I don’t want to push myself to produce at too strict a rate. I fear I would burn out and loose my creativity and love for embroidery.

Becky: Where did you learn embroidery?  Do you have any suggestions for those who want to get started?

Jessica: I actually learned from a kit I purchased on Etsy. And then I learned more techniques by watching videos on YouTube. I took those skills and applied them to my own library of drawings and designs. And now I have my own website full of patterns, kits and video tutorials! Please stop by my website and try out my free stitch along pattern and video tutorial. I think getting started with a new hobby can be intimidating but I try to keep it simple. I know I was afraid of “doing it wrong” but I have discovered that there is no wrong way. Embroidery is really so fun and relaxing!

Becky: Where do you find color inspiration?

Jessica: Flower bouquets, travel photography, the produce section at the grocery store, my jewelry box and closet, anywhere! Just keep your eyes open and if you see something that speaks to you snap a photo. Also sometimes I just throw a bunch of floss down and start organizing, moving around different color combinations. Experiment and play.

Becky: Did you enjoy working with the Nunn Design Jewelry Kits for Embroidery?

Jessica: Of course! I love the quality of the Nunn Design embroidery kits. I have experimented with similar kits from other manufacturers but nothing out there compares to the quality and craftsmanship of these kits. If you are going to spend hours hand stitching beautiful embroidered jewelry why finish it in cheap jewelry settings?

Be Inspired!

I find Jessica’s embroidery work to be very inspiring. It is fun to see the color combinations that she comes up with and the variety of styles that she has.


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Jessica has created several videos on how-to assembles the pendant focal after the design has been embroidered.


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A post shared by Jessica Long (@namaste_embroidery) on

Watch Video Tutorial:

In Jessica’s video, Assembling Hand Embroidered Jewelry, she walks you through how to assemble your hand embroidery into finished jewelry pieces using Nunn Design Findings.

Learn More About Jessica:

Shop Nunn Design Jewelry Kits for Embroidery:

The items that are Not included in our kits are the parts that you will need to do the actual embroidery.

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