Nunn Design Jewelry for Embroidery Inspiration. Featuring Janet of Sojourner Handmade!

Nunn Design has collaborated with 5 embroidery artists to provide inspiring pieces of wearable art featuring the new Jewelry Kits for Embroidery. This week we are highlighting these artists and introducing you to their beautiful creations.

(Source: Instagram @sojournerhandmade)

I’m sorry, but people like Janet make me feel like a total slacker! She is a wife and mother to 4 beautiful children and she is a full-time NURSE! Let’s meet Janet.

Becky: What are some of your challenges in owning a small business?

Janet: One of the most difficult things about owning a creative small business for me has been dealing with the constant self-doubt and second-guessing of my work and vision. There are so many talented, amazing creatives out there and I often find myself wondering why I am even doing what I am doing. I feel like I just don’t measure up. I find it difficult to even call myself an artist. Social media, with all of its benefits, can really be a motivation killer because it knows just how to play up our insecurities. I have to be really intentional about going back to my “why” and focusing on enjoying the creative process itself. If people like it, great! If not, I still put something uniquely me out into the world that wasn’t there before…and that is pretty amazing.

Becky: How do you balance your creative/business/family life?

Janet: I don’t sleep. When I first started, I stayed up until 2 or 3am every night, driven by creative passion and filling orders. This was after doing full time mommy business all day long. In this new season of life, I can’t do that anymore. I have a day job as nurse and 4 growing children. The creativity and my small business have to take a backseat for now, and that’s ok.

Becky: Where did you learn embroidery?  Do you have any suggestions for those who want to get started?

Janet: I stumbled into embroidery because of my love of vintage. I began collecting vintage linens a few years ago and found the most beautifully embroidered patterns on these linens. I thought, “I think I can do that.” About the same time, I started an account on Instagram and saw that embroidery was not dead. So, I just started playing around. I googled “how to embroider” and watched some Youtube videos. I started following some embroidery artists. I guess you could say I just jumped right in. For those who want to get started, it really isn’t very hard. The supplies are inexpensive, you can take it with you pretty much anywhere, and there are so many resources online. My best advice is to simply practice, practice, and practice.

Becky: Where do you find color inspiration?

Janet: Pinterest & nature.

Becky: How do you market/sell your work?

Janet: Instagram and Etsy have been very good for me. Also, word of mouth and local markets and boutiques.

Becky: Did you enjoy working with the Nunn Design Jewelry Kits for Embroidery?

Janet: I thoroughly enjoyed working with the Nunn Design Jewelry Kits for Embroidery. My heart has a soft spot for all things vintage and vintage inspired. The bezels are beautifully crafted and the finished product looks luxurious and elegant.

Be Inspired!

Janet is fluent in both embroidery stitching and resin. After you have enjoyed these inspirational pieces featuring the new Nunn Design Jewelry Kits for Embroidery, take a look at her other creative pursuit, resin. I love seeing the style to both of her art forms.


Learn More About Janet:

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The items that are Not included in our kits are the parts that you will need to do the actual embroidery.

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