Finding Creativity in Organizing One’s Life

There has been a project on my “to do” list forever!

The reason it was still on my list was because I thought it would take an epic amount of time. Truth be told, the amount of time it took me to ignore the work was more draining then actually doing the work!

The project was to organize all my family’s important information and documents into one location. I wanted to create a folder that would make it easy for my husband, children or Heather here at Nunn Design to have access to any aspect of my life.

So what does this project have to do with supporting our company’s mission of inspiring and nurturing creativity?

For me, my focus these past couple of years has been on living a balanced life. For all of us small business owners, this can be very challenging! We are continually trying to find enough time in the day to run a business, raise a family, have a partner, socialize with friends and extended family, run a household, exercise, eat right, the list goes on and on. Sometimes there isn’t enough energy or desire to create!

By focusing on living a balanced life, it is about finding creativity in all aspects of my life. From raising my kids, to cleaning out a messy closet to organizing a file that puts my life in order. Inspiring and nurturing creativity isn’t just about making jewelry. It is about creatively living a full and complete balanced life.

My intention in sharing this aspect of myself isn’t because I want to pile yet another item on to your list. My intention is to hopefully make the project easier for you if you choose to do it. I wanted to pass on my process and have it recorded here on the blog for you to use as a resource.

Let’s get started!

Within my folder, I have the following files:

  1. A document with all of our personal information.
  2. Our Will and Durable Power of Attorneys.
  3. Our Medical Directives (My daughter Emillia is now 18, so we have one for her too).
  4. Our Birth Certificates.
  5. Marriage Certificate.
  6. The titles to our vehicles.
  7. Life Insurance policy.
  8. Misc other junk.

Here is a template for all of the personal information that I documented into one place. It has saved me so much time already, because I don’t have to rummage around trying to find this information (like my husband’s social security number!). It is all in one place!

My legal name:

Mother’s maiden name:
Date of birth
Place of birth
Social security number
Email address/password:
Computer password:
Phone password:
SM Passwords:
Passport number:
Driver license no/state:

My husband’s legal name:

Mother’s maiden name:
Date of birth
Place of birth
Social security number
Email address/password:
Computer password:
Phone password:
SM Passwords:
Password number:
Driver license no/state:

Residence & Contact:

Primary residence address:
Mailing address (if different)
Cell phone mother:
Cell phone father:


Vehicle make/model/color/year/VIN number:
Vehicle license plate, state:
Insurance provider, policy number
Car title and registration

Health & Doctors

Primary physician name & contact
Insurance provider, policy or ID number
Blood type
Medical conditions
RX medications
Dentist name & contact
Eye doctor & contact

Pet’s veterinarian:

Service Providers:

Attorney name & contact information
Accountant name & contact information
Employers name
Airline frequent flier membership numbers

Birth Certificates

Marriage Certificates

Names and addresses of children

Names and phone numbers of religious contacts:

Names and phone numbers of close friends:

Names and phone numbers of relatives:

Residential Places

Residential address
Owners on deed
Current estimated market value
Original purchase date and amount
Refinanced mortgage date and amount
Mortgage on property
Mortgage lender
Lender phone number
Loan number
Original loan amount
Loan balance
Loan payment, escrow amount, P&I, interest rate
Estimated property tax

Additional properties:

Residential address
Owners on deed
Current estimated market value
Original purchase date and amount
Refinanced mortgage date and amount
Mortgage on property
Mortgage lender
Lender phone number
Loan number
Original loan amount
Loan balance
Loan payment, escrow amount, P&I, interest rate
Estimated property tax

Banking information:

Bank name & location
Account number
Type of account
Signers, joint owners (who has access)
Where is the checkbook
Online banking ulr
Security questions/answers
Credit card company
Card number/expiration/cvv code
Primary owner
(include a voided check with routing number)

Life Insurance:

Policy provider
Policy number
Policy amount
Contact information

Retirement/Investments or Pension Accounts

Financial institution
Contact information
Account numbers

Household Accounts:

Propane company/phone number
Utilities provider and contact
Amazon account/password
Monthly household budget

I’m not completely finished yet, but I am eager to wrap it up. A couple things that I still want to do are to document with photographs every drawer and closet. I got distracted because the closets were pretty messy and I was embarrassed to take photos. I’m working on that! I also need to get a fire proof safe to put my folder into.

But, my children know where the folder is and Heather here at the office has a copy.

I feel a great sense of ease knowing that this work is close to complete.

I hope that you find value in this information!

All my best-

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2 thoughts on “Finding Creativity in Organizing One’s Life

  1. Maria Scime says:

    Becky, thank you so much for sharing this! I have had this on my “to do” list for so, so long. You have inspired me to at least get it started by providing such a helpful outline, it will certainly make the tedious job of info collecting much faster and organized. I truly appreciate your blogs, thanks again!!

  2. beckynunn says:

    I’m really glad you found it helpful!
    Keep me posted on your progress! It feels so good to be on the other side of this “to do”!


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