Finding a Work/Life Balance

You can’t always get what you want.
You can’t always get what you want.
You can’t always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes,
Well, you just might find,
You get what you need.

Oh yeah!

-The Rolling Stones

Finding a Work/Life Balance

As I sit in my office contemplating on how to best be of service to the mission of Nunn Design; Through Collaborative Relationships Nunn Design Inspires and Nurtures Creativity, the above lyrics from The Rolling Stones come to mind.

If asked if any of us creative makers “wanted” a global pandemic, I doubt we’d have a taker in the room. In fact, Mick Jagger would have been booed off the stage! The global pandemic has impacted all of us to some degree. Some of us have suffered great loss and the heaviness of all of it is still very fresh.

I was not one of those people who was eager for my life to “go back to normal.” What was normal for me wasn’t healthy or sustainable. I was moving too fast, pushing myself too hard and drowning from the weight of responsibilities of owning a small business.

You can’t always get what you want.
But if you try sometimes,
Well, you just might find,
You get what you need.

My intentions are not to discount the challenges that people around the world have experienced (I doubt it was the intentions of The Rolling Stones either!). My desire is to un-pack and start a conversation about how we find what we need. What we have learned from our connected experiences.

For me, it has been a journey of finding a good work/life balance of eating healthy, exercise (I’m nuts-o about Zumba!), creativity, connection, and doing meaningful work. My life is simple.

What have you learned?

I would love to hear what you have learned through your journey of being a creative maker these past two years. I enjoy reading of the common threads that weaves us all together.

Leave a comment or email me at:

Have a wonderful September as we prepare for the upcoming holiday season. May you find joy in creating beauty and living your fullest life.

– Becky

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2 thoughts on “Finding a Work/Life Balance

  1. Regina says:

    Prior to 2020, I had been participating in roughly 30 art festivals or fundraisers a year. I had left my full time position as a career advisor at a local college (now designated a university!) in 2015, following my “personal career advice” to start my own business.
    While I enjoy meeting fellow artisans and chatting with my supporters, I admit that my true fulfillment springs from the creative & construction processes. I strive to use quality components (while keeping my price points affordable) which is why Nunn Design is one of my favorite suppliers! Over the years I have recommended you to many grateful emerging artisans.
    These days I have almost seamlessly picked up where we left off in 2019, thankfully seeing many of the same familiar faces! I have cut back considerably, as I consider myself semi-retired. Ten nice shows a year works for me!
    Thanks for listening…

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