Colorized Resin Gems Tutorial

At first I was interested in finding ways to use excess resin prior to it hardening in the mixing cup. After a while, I found that I was mixing resin just to explore additional techniques!

This tutorial was the result of Team Nunn’s creative exploration during one of the quarterly Nunn Design Artdays.

Supplies Needed:

reskit- Nunn Design Resin Kit
Castin Crafts Opaque Pigments
Nunn Design Bezels

Other Supplies Needed:
Rubbing Alcohol
Wet wipes
Plastic Bags
Glossy business cards or card stock

Steps for Preparing Your Nunn Design Bezels:

Step 1. The Nunn Design Findings are oxidized to provide an aged look to the precious metal plating. The oxidation, when it comes into contact with the mixed Nunn Design Resin could change the color of the resin. To avoid this, clean the findings thoroughly prior to applying the resin. Get the tip of a Q-Tip wet with rubbing alcohol and clean away any of the blackened oxidation on all the surfaces of the bezel.

Mixing Nunn Design Resin:

Step 2. Read the resin instructions for safety concerns regarding the Nunn Design Resin.
When I work with resin, I always:

  • Have my room heated around 70-73°.
  • Place a large plastic bag over my work surface and tape it down.
  • Make sure I have ventilation in my workroom.
  • Wear gloves.
  • Wear glasses (readers because I can’t see anymore. Plus it protects my eyes!).
  • Have a pile of wet wipes handy.

This is a great blog post that covers 20 Habits for Successfully Using Nunn Design 2-Part Epoxy Resin. Even if you are a seasoned resin mixer, this might be worth a read.

Step 3. Place one cup (included in the Nunn Design Resin Kit) onto your table.
 For curing purposes, it is very important that the resin be an exact 1 to 1 ratio of Part A and Part B. I suggest getting your eyes level with the resin so you can see the lines on the measuring cup.

Pour Part A of your resin kit up to the 1 TBS mark on your measuring cup.

Pour Part B of your resin kit into the same cup until it is filled to the 2 TBS mark.

It is important to pour Part A first and then Part B. It is some chemical thing about the part A being heavier or something.

Step 4. Set your timer for 2 minutes. Using the stir stick from your kit (a popsicle stick or coffee stir stick will work great too), slowly and carefully stir your resin scraping the sides as you stir. Stir for a minimum of 2 minutes. If your resin is still cloudy continue to mix until clear.

After mixing is complete and your resin is clear, scrape both sides of your stir stick on the edge of your resin filled cup.

Colorizing the Nunn Design Resin:

Step 5. To create 2017, 2018 and 2019 Pantone Colors, take a look at these blog posts for the color mixing formulas:

Step 6. To colorize the resin, place another empty resin mixing cup onto your work area. Pour the clear, mixed resin into the cup, filling it to the 1 TSP mark.

The Castin’ Craft Opaque Pigments are very potent. Let’s define what a “tiny toothpick tip” and a “toothpick tip” amount of colorant should look like. This is not an exact science. If you don’t get the exact amount, your color will still come out fairly close.

A “tiny toothpick tip” should look like this.

A “toothpick tip” should looks like this.

Step 7. Add in the colorants according to the color formulas and then stir gently until the colorants are fully mixed together. For this tutorial, I wanted to have a fairly translucent resin, so I added less colorants to the clear resin when mixing.

Let resin sit for 5 minutes to let the bubbles rise to the surface and pop.
 Tip: Be sure that the colorant does not equal more than 10% of your resin as having more than 10% could cause issues with curing.

Cure Resin for 5-6 Hours:

Step 8. When the resin starts to become very thick and warm to the touch in the mixing cup, use your thick mixing stick to remove the resin. Scoop the thick resin onto a piece of plastic, such as a Zip-Lock Bag. Smear the resin around with the stir stick until the resin is consistently about 1/16” in height.

Step 9. Let the resin cure on the plastic bag for about 5-6 hours, or until it is slightly sticky to the touch. This 5-7 hour curing phase for the resin is referred to as the “soft-cure phase.”

The resin will be very soft and easy to handle. It may be very sticky, so apply a little baby oil to your fingers to prevent the resin from sticking to your fingers.

Sculpt Soft-Cured Resin:

Step 10. Peel off small sections of the resin and roll it and shape it with your fingers and in the palms of your hands.

Step 11. Insert the resin into the Nunn Design Bezels of your choice.
Tip: To create a smooth surface, use a wet-wipe to smooth out any fingerprints.

Design Options:

Step 12. To create a different look, explore using Gilding Flakes. Place a couple of flakes onto the resin and burnish into the resin using your fingertip.

Roll the resin into a smooth ball and insert it into a Nunn Design Bezel of choice.

Let Resin Cure Completely:

Step 13. To prevent the resin from losing it’s shape, use a toothpick to suspend the curing resin in a mixing cup.

Step 14. Let the resin cure. It will start to be hard to the touch as early as 12 hours, but the resin will continue to cure up to 72 hours.

Design Option: Add a Transfer Sheet

Learn How With Videos!

Here are two videos we did with on preparing Nunn Design 2-Part Resin, and colorizing it!

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2 thoughts on “Colorized Resin Gems Tutorial

  1. Katherine says:

    WHO ARE YOU, Becky Nunn?! I’m begging you to change your name to Resin Wonder Woman. Or Idea Extraordinaire. Or…you get the idea. But PLEASE. You need a name that more accurately represents your identity. Mom Owner Tutorial-Aficionado. That last one might get a little long and tiring to write, but at least people would know exactly who you are and what you do.

    Or maybe I should just send you a shirt with an FS in the Superman symbol. In black, of course. (FS = Finding Superstar.) I. LOVE. THIS. I do something similar but cut the soft resin into shapes. (Use non-stick scissors or a pair dedicated to cutting resin that is coated lightly in baby oil.) If you do a darker color first, add the embellishment/rub on/etc.) and very light color on top you get an ethereal look. But this idea is FABULOUS! No scissors required. Man, I love Nunn playdates. You just never know what will come from them.

    Thank you for always inspiring. I am still waiting for you to offer a workshop that allows one a look into your mind. PLEASE keep creating and posting. I get more than you will ever know.

    • Diane says:

      Yes, I agree! I love these inspirational tutorials, I learn so much and it’s a great springboard for other ideas and uses ??
      Thank you Becky.

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