Complete Guide to Metal Stamping
Handmade Jewelry

Metal stamping onto pewter blanks, to create custom handmade jewelry, continues to be a technique that is going strong. Metal stamping is an affordable way for small business owners to produce collections of jewelry that are customizable, affordable and help them differentiate their brands Nunn Design customers who offer jewelry using cast pewter stamping blanks […]

Free Resin Symposium with Jen Cushman August 15-19th

Our friend and fellow jewelry artist Jen Cushman is teaching a resin class using Nunn Design bezels during the upcoming free virtual Resin Symposium by Curious Mondo this August 15-19, 2022. Resin Jewelry: Windows to the Soul Jen’s Resin Jewelry: Windows to the Soul class takes out any fear of working with two-part epoxy resin. […]

Meet the Maker: Leo and Lynn Jewelry

Featuring our customers is in alignment with Nunn Design’s mission; Through collaborative relationships, Nunn Design inspires and nurtures creativity. I feel that we are on this journey together. If we strip away the façade of our egos and collaborate with each other, we have a greater chance of learning, growing creatively and thriving as business […]

The Trend in Jewelry is Being Slightly Different!

An online downloadable version of our Master Catalogue allows us to continually provide updates as new items are added! Our Master Catalogue can be found when you sign into your Nunn account! The Trend in Jewelry is Being Slightly Different! Kimberly Collins is one of the jewelry industry’s few female gem dealers specializing in the […]

8 Ways to Navigate the Highs & Lows of a Jewelry Business.

The topic of the day on most news platforms has been the chatter of a potential recession. I have been feeling the familiar tension rising like I did during the beginning weeks of the global covid-19 pandemic. What is different from a global pandemic and a recession is that they are actually more common than […]

21 Inspiring Ways to Capture Your Jewelry Brand with Photography!

The topic of branding is a big one! I am continually asking myself “now, what exactly is the purpose of branding?” The purpose of good branding is to set your jewelry brand apart from other companies. Branding allows for your customers to visually recognize your business, to hear your voice when they read your copy, […]

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