Being a Human: Inspiring the Next Generation of Creatives

Last week I was a guest lecturer at my local high school here in Port Townsend, WA.

My inspiration peeked as I was volunteering at a local job fairs for high school students. As a volunteer, my assignment was to approach the teenagers that weren’t engaging in the event. As I walked and mingled, I started to see a pattern amongst the students that were “checked out.”

Almost all of them were creatives.

After working the event, I was inspired to share the wisdom I have accumulated after 35 years of being a working creative. I contacted our local high school multi-media teacher and pitch the idea of being a guest lecturer during his classes. He accepted! The pressure was then on to think of something to say!!

I focused on my own journey. The wisdom that I wished I had know at their age. I did my best to distill this into a short presentation.

Below is an outline of what I covered during my time with the students. I’d love your input and hopefully with our collective wisdom we can make our voices sing in unison.

Our world is changing so rapidly. As creatives, I believe we are key to our collective transcendence into a different way of living and relating to one another.

Thank you for doing all you do. For showing up and listening to the still quiet voice within you. The voice that calls you to create. The voice of your soul.

All my love-

Here are links to concepts and people I referenced in my talk:

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1 thoughts on “Being a Human: Inspiring the Next Generation of Creatives

  1. Denise says:

    Thank you for this! I often think about my why of creating jewelry. I am a wife and mom of 3 and work part-time as a nurse and volunteer a lot with my school and church. I am often thinking about why is it that I create – I have plenty else going on in my life but I am really not happy unless I am making something with my hands. I like thinking up ideas, I like working with my hands and I especially like sharing those things, in the way of gifts or images on social media. You are very much an inspiration and I enjoy all the content you produce!

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