Becky’s Tidbits! Episode 5. What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Becky’s Tidbits! Episode 5

Becky’s Tidbits are a glimpse into what I am working on, reading, studying, asking myself and creating. My intention is to share and hopefully get you as excited as I am about being curious about the subject I’m exploring in the moment. Thanks for joining me!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Last year I did an interview that was posted on a design blog called Design Sponge. One of the questions asked of me was; What did you want to be when you grew up?

That was a really tricky question. When I look back on my childhood, I have been an entrepreneur since I was very young. I just didn’t have anyone in my life that could help me identify that there was a place in the world for people like myself. In addition to being an entrepreneur, I was also extremely creative. Being an artist was a talent that was bestowed on other members of my 7-sibling family who had obvious “talent.” Since I didn’t excel at being a painter or a writer, my mother encouraged me to be a therapist because I was a really good communicator.

When I told my parents that I was interested in studying graphic design, my mother’s response was “you have never shown any talent in that area before.” In a lot of ways, I’m very grateful for her response. It caused me to have a fire in my belly to excel and succeed. My parents didn’t mean to harm me, they honestly just didn’t know about the big world of choices that exists for creative people.

But I know.
I know about the big world of choices that exists for creative people.
I see creative people making art and living wonderful lives doing what they are passionate about.
I see it day in and day out.
I also know that it takes grit.
It takes persistence.
It takes a fire in the belly that is so strong that you WANT it.
You have to want to learn.
To challenge yourself
To be willing to try something new and “look bad.”
You have to be willing to show up.
To do the work even when you are busy and you “don’t feel like it.”

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Creative people choose to not let the fear of “you have never shown any talent in this area before” be their life’s path.
Creative people choose to have it be the tension that motivates them to learn.
Creative people make stuff. Some of it isn’t all that great.
Creative people do it anyway.
Again. And again. And again.

We are preparing for our Fall Semester of Online Classes.
To encourage you try something new.
To push your jewelry making skills up to the next level.
To take your art up a notch.

I know that this format of online classes works. It is clear that 100’s of makers, designers, artists and creative people have made change occur for themselves.

Creative people create with other creative people.
It is a lot less likely creative people will get stuck if they create together.
Are you ready to be part of a community of people who want to take their jewelry making skills to the next level?

I am in.
Are you?


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