Becky’s Office (on a very good day)

I’d like to say my office looks like this all the time…but I know it is a lie.   It only looks like this when I have a photo shoot!  Usually, I have piles – EVERYWHERE.  There is so much stuff going on that I find the piles multiplying right before my eyes!

I am inclined to create jewelry at home at our kitchen table.  I enjoy being home.  It is so much easier for me to create there because I’m not distracted by that thing called “work”.   My family is so very patient. They know that when mama is creating – all meals must take place in the living room. Thankfully it becomes an adventure or a picnic.

Right now I am working on jewelry samples for our next release.  I can’t wait to share!

Where do you create?

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6 thoughts on “Becky’s Office (on a very good day)

  1. Erin Prais-Hintz says:

    Such a great space! My downstairs studio space is laden with piles. I would be embarrassed to let anyone see it in its current state. I am in danger of toppling things on me left and right. I love the art and displays. Especially that big B! I am working on cleaning the clutter, finding a place for everything and hanging inspiring art so that I can create more and even bring clients in for consultations!
    Enjoy the day.

  2. Kelly Harms says:

    I used to create at the kitchen table too, but we have 8 cats (yes, I am a crazy cat lady) and they really like to play with all the fun stuff too. Makes it a bit challenging to make something if you are constantly running after the cats for your findings!

    When my daughter went off to college, we converted her room into my studio. It has two large windows for natural light and overlooks our garden. I have two garage sale art tables for my work surfaces. I’m really into mixed media so I’ve got everything in plastic tubs and trays by type (ie, all resin stuff in one tub, leather supplies in another, etc…) I never know what type of project my muse will tell me to do from one day to the next, but this way I can pull those tubs down from the shelves, spread everything out and start creating. All the tools, glues, tweezers, pliers, etc…that are commonly used are in the trays attached to the art tables or in handy spinning caddies I used to have cooking utensils in. Using this system makes it pretty easy to convert it back into a bedroom when my daughter Erin comes to visit.

    I have an older TV and DVD player in there too, so I can pop in an art project DVD and follow along at my work table.

    My second studio is out in our large workshop. That is where I make lampwork glass beads and do metalsmithing — everything that deals with fire! My husband rescued an large old steel-topped table (it’s about 4’x5′) that is perfect for this type of work and can hold my kiln and all my glass and tools too. He’s lined the space with shelves and has my grinders and polishers set up nearby.

    I’m also blessed to have an understanding family who is okay with me disappearing for hours at a time, and a husband who is always going “you know, I could make you one of those” whenever I see something cool from someone else’s studio!

    Thanks Becky for creating such a great and nurturing creative environment for all of us!


  3. Frances Gunn says:

    I am so impressed with the creativity that comes from your business….organized office or not. I believe creative minds create clutter and create among clutter. At least what people call clutter. I loved the article about you in the PT Leader. I have been wanting to see what you look like. Perhaps next we will meet Keep on creating and take care of your creative staff.
    Fran Gunn

  4. Rebecca says:


    Finding a place to put stuff and keep it organized is a major focus of mine right now. David Allen’s Book; Getting Things Done, has been helpful in clearing my mind of the clutter so that I can clear the decks! I’m trying to clean as I go…but that in itself is a full time job!


  5. Rebecca says:


    I LOVE the team we have here at Nunn Design. What a treat to come to work each day (oops, I hope my husband isn’t reading this….)!


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