Becky’s Interview at LCI Paper

Thanks to Josh and LCI Paper for interviewing Becky. Head over to the LCI Specialty Paper Blog to hear the podcast or read the transcript!

My favorite excerpt:

You told me in our pre-interview, if I can bring it to a more personal level, sometimes you dream about designs. And you wake up and you actually have a sketchbook and a journal. Can you tell me more about that?

Sure. There isn’t a time where my mind’s not working and I’m constantly thinking about things and my favorite thing to do is just spend hours and hours “uploading” is what I call it. I just put tons and tons of information into my brain. That might be by just looking at books and magazines. It might be surfing the web. I like to shop a lot. I’m not a consumer myself but I love to shop to look and I love to junk. I love to go to flea markets and antique stores. So I tend to upload a ton of information into my head and then it just kind of just sits in there. It kind of all just shuffles around and I patiently wait for the inspiration to come. Sometimes I’m not so patient, but it happens at all times. It happens in the middle of the night. It happens in the middle of giving my daughter a bath. It just happens, and that for me is the process of creativity which I have really embraced and know how creativity works in my own life and in my own brain and in my own soul.

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2 thoughts on “Becky’s Interview at LCI Paper

  1. LCI Paper says:

    I think personal stories like this are interesting to people, especially those shoppers looking for a reason to make a decision about a purchase. By learning more about Becky and Nunn Design, they get to know the organization behind the products and gain extra comfort. It was a pleasure being able to interview Becky and be able to share that interview with our customers.

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