Becky Tidbits Episode 8. Resistance

For this Becky’s Tidbits, we are sharing a video that was used in our 2019 Fall Semester series of online classes.

With each class, I started with a lesson. In this lesson, we cover resistance. A powerful creativity killer!

I hope you enjoy!

Being Observant of Resistance

Be observant of your behaviors.
It is worth noticing.
Resistance is a powerful creativity killer.
The way to deal with resistance is to name it as such and change the behavior.

Here is an example of resistance.

My 12 year old daughter Isabella brought home a sweet looking video and suggested that we have some mamma/daughter time watching it together. Oh, such mastery in her tactics! She popped a bowl of popcorn, cued up the video, paused it and said, “mom, I’m ready!”. How harmful could a video with my daughter be? Right? I had all my supplies set-out, but I had plenty of time before my deadline so I choose to sit down and have some quality time with Isabella.
What I didn’t see is that she selected “play all.”
Before I knew it, we had watched 5 hours of television and I was driving her to the library like an addict to grab the “cliff hanger” episode so we could wrap it up. Out of the library she walks with 4 more season!

I got out of the car and said, “I’m sorry sweetie. Those videos aren’t coming home with us. I agreed to watch a video and we have lost ourselves in this. I need you to bring them back into the library and return them.”

See how resistance has a sneaky way of hi-jacking creativity?

Be curious.
Just notice it.
Just say to it, I know what you are doing and I’m not going there!

Resistance knows that it is hard to be new at something.
Resistance knows that it is hard to have your creations not come out the way that you thought they would.
The only way to getting better at this, is to practice.
To create.
To watch the tutorials.
Follow the instructions.
Organize your supplies.
Sit down.
And create.
Then post what you created in the private Facebook Group and be cheered on by your classmates.
Leave feedback on other students work.
Ask questions.
Learn from each other.
Connect with one another.
Leave comments and questions on the videos.
If you had the questions, other people might too.
Be part of something that is so much more fun when you do it together.

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