Becky Nunn Feature in Jewelry Affaire


Innovation Team members Stephanie Gard Buss and Sharon Borsavage have jewelry featured in the Summer Issue of Jewelry Affaire Magazine.  I too have a mention in the magazine.  Here is an exert from the article I wrote for Stampington:

 For me, jewelry making is a gateway to creativity.  Creativity is where I feel the magic of possibilities, the delight of discovery and the infinite opportunities to create items of beauty for the pure joy of doing so.  It is a place where I can detach from my ego, my mindful chatter and fully delve into pure bliss.  I try to create this in other areas in my life through other forms, however creating jewelry and art is the path that brings me to this place within myself the quickest and easiest.  I am grateful to have found this avenue for myself and am committed through Nunn Design to helping others find this place within their own selves.

I often talk to artists and designers at tradeshows and on the phone who want to know EVERYTHING prior to beginning the process of designing and creating.  I know this place within myself. I am very analytical, and I have to be disciplined about cutting off the “information gathering” and allow for the magic to begin.  I have to just gather all of my toys together, turn off the “production orientated task master” that rules my everyday world and allow myself to play.  Allowing myself play is when I really find the bliss that makes creating jewelry so addicting for me.  I start going down paths that, like reading a good book, I can’t wait to see where it leads me.  I often stop the designers and artists that I meet at tradeshows or talk to on the phone after their 6th or so question.  I acknowledge that place in them that wants to know the rules so that they can play safely.  But, sometimes being safe is boring and doesn’t allow each person to experience the beauty of the endless possibilities that the Nunn Design® Product line has to offer.”

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3 thoughts on “Becky Nunn Feature in Jewelry Affaire

  1. Valerie says:

    Becky, these are just amazing. Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration. Your Nunn Design elements are so easy to work with and it just takes a really good imagination to turn them into gorgeous jewelry.

  2. Stephanie says:

    Becky–you are so humble. I should say you got more than a mention! A ten-page spread of absolutely stunning designs. I love what you’re doing and I’m so excited about the new products. Thanks for including me on your team!

  3. Kate says:

    Hi Becky,
    Congratulations on the wonderful article in Jewelry Affaire. I found it so inspiring, and am going to re-read every time I need motivation! Your creations are beautiful. I am so grateful to you for crafting such high quality components that are also affordable. I want everything in the catalog! Your components are helping my small shops craft their own unique identity. I love being able to find high quality components that are gorgeous and most are made in USA to boot. So glad Nunn Design exists! Thank you!!!!

    my shops:

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