Astrology’s Renaissance: Why the Stars Still Speak to Us

As a jewelry designer, entrepreneur, and seeker of wisdom, it is my vocation to follow the trends of humanity, delve deep into what I observe, and uncover the meaning and purpose behind our collective experiences. In some belief systems, these topics may be considered controversial, and I want to honor that. My goal, as we work together to identify rising trends in our industry, is to seek an understanding of the historical and cultural influences driving these trends.

Throughout time the message communicated by sages, great masters, and teachers has been consistent, “Know Thyself​.” ​ Could astrology be yet another way to connect to the cosmos, a place that quantum physicists claim we all originate from? Is that why we are seeing a resurgence of interest in astrology amongst Gen Z and ​Millennials?

National Geographic, in an article dated July 3, 2024, stated:

“Today, horoscopes are more popular than ever, especially with Gen Z and Millennials. Beyond its astronomical origins, astrology, according to experts, can foster a sense of community and bring social cohesion. Carl Jung, a renowned psychologist who explored astrology’s archetypal symbols and their impact on the human psyche, suggested that astrology provides a language for understanding universal patterns of human experience.”


The origins of astrology have multiple sources. Here’s what I have found:

  • Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa is one of the earliest known Hindu texts on astronomy and astrology (Jyotisha). Various scholars date the text between 1400 BCE and the final centuries BCE based on astronomical and linguistic evidence.¹
  • Chinese astrology, rooted in Taoist philosophy, assigns animal signs based on birth years, influencing cultural practices and societal beliefs.² The exact date when the zodiac was created remains unknown, but its official recognition can be traced to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE–9 CE), over 2,000 years ago.³
  • Between 100 and 178 CE, Claudius Ptolemy, an astrologer and astronomer in Alexandria, Egypt, laid the foundation of Western astrology in his text Tetrabiblos. He emphasized the individual aspect of astrological interpretation, introducing the concept of personal horoscopes—the idea that people can read and interpret the stars to gain insights into their lives.⁴

Astrology is just one of many practices humanity has used to make sense of our existence. Do the relative positions, of stars and planets surrounding earth, have an influence on who we are and how we live? Is there inspiration to be found in what many ancient cultures believed, and what many modern cultures continue to believe to be true? I say we let our customers decide.


1. Wikipedia: Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa
2. Observatoire de Paris: History of Astronomy & Astrology
3. University of Washington: History of the Zodiac
4. Harvard University Press: Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos

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