Artisan Feature – Jenny Tausendfreund of Tausendharz

I’ve been continually inspired by the makers we’ve had the privilege to feature on our website. Their openness, honesty, and transparency have been truly refreshing. While each entrepreneur’s path is unique, there’s a common thread that binds them together: grit. It’s this resilience that keeps them showing up, experimenting, and growing.

Speaking of the incredible traits shared by our featured makers, let me introduce Jenny Tausendfreund, of Her journey, stemming from her Berlin roots and evolving from a passion for photography to the creation of stunning nature-inspired jewelry, is the essence of creativity and connection.

Learn about Jenny and her journey in the industry below!

Please tell us a little about yourself!

Jenny: My name is Jenny and I live with my dog in beautiful Berlin, Germany. I have always been a creative person and I love to be in nature, ever since I was a child.

I discovered photography in my teenage years when my dad gifted me his single lens reflex camera that he bought when I was born. I even made photography my job and I worked many years as a photographic media technician.

Today, photography skills help me to present my jewelry in an appropriate way.

How long have you been creating your unique jewelry/art?

Jenny: I started making jewelry in 2018. I discovered resin and was fascinated by this medium. At this time I couldn’t even imagine what possibilities it would bring. I poured everything that I found like wood, pinecones, flowers and more. I watched many YouTube videos, read blogs and found inspiration on Instagram. Step by step I learned about the techniques, different resins and materials.

2020 I started learning some basics in silversmithing to bring my art to a new level. I was now able to make my own bezels and make my jewelry different to other resin artists.

I’m still learning new things everyday. With every piece I make I try to improve my technique and to be better than yesterday.

How do you approach the design process for your art/jewelry pieces? Do you have a specific creative routine or method?

Jenny: My inspiration is nature and nature defines the design. Most of the time I have a rough idea in my head but the final design comes when I’m working on the piece.

Sometimes I find a piece of wood or some lichens and I know this is going to be a great pendant. Then it stays in my studio for weeks or months but one day the final idea comes to my head and I start working on it. I think my creativity comes in steps. I just need to give it time to arise.

For the basic pieces it’s more easy. And some flowers, like forget-me-nots, don’t need special designs. They stand on their own.

Did you face a learning curve with any specific technique/material (e.g., resin, metal stamping, epoxy resin)? How did you overcome it?

Jenny: The most challenging technique for me was metalsmithing. I bought all the tools, watched all the videos and thought, ok easy. Of course it wasn’t easy at all. In the beginning it was super frustrating and I thought I can not do this. But I kept on trying, again and again. Then I paused for some weeks and next time I tried it worked out surprisingly much better. So it’s a mix of both, repeating and time, that brings progress for me.

I also learned that when I’m stressed or not relaxed it doesn’t make sense to start making. Everything that could possibly go wrong will go wrong on these days.

Can you describe your process for selecting and preserving materials for your art/jewelry?

Jenny: Since I have a dog I walk her everyday, several times. I use these walks to look for new materials. I always carry a bag or a box with me and collect everything I find: flowers, grass, bark, cones, lichen. On weekends we go to the forest nearby and I look specifically for lichens or bark. I also collect things on vacation. I cannot go out in nature without checking the plants. There is always something to find!

Most of them I let air dry in my studio in different boxes. The flowers I put into books to press them. Once everything is dried I put it in boxes, jars und shelves.

Except for some “best-selling” materials like Quenn Anne’s lace, Forget-me-nots or lichens, I only have in stock what I collect at this time of the year.

Do you have a personal favorite piece that holds a special significance to you? If so, could you share the story behind it and describe the elements that make it particularly meaningful?

Jenny: My favorite piece is the fairy garden which contains different lichens and heather flower.

A rough idea for it came to my mind when I traveled to Iceland many years ago. During this trip I talked to locals and learned a lot about the country, its nature and mythology. They told me for example that they stop the construction of a new road when they find out that this road would cross elves land. I was very impressed by that.

And then one day, I stood at Lake Myvatn and saw all the colorful plants and lichen. I felt a peace that surrounded me. In that moment, I knew there were elves, trolls, and other nature creatures living there. I understood why Icelanders worshiped their nature so much.

I fell in love with the idea to carry a piece of this fairytale with me. Like a fairy garden for take away. That’s how the fairy garden pendant was born.

In the early stages of your creative journey, what choices did you make to support yourself financially?

Jenny: I started my jewelry business alongside my full-time job. I had a secure income and was able to built up my business step by step. Once it had grown more and more I decided to reduce the working hours of my job. Two years later I quit the job. Moreover in Germany there is the possibility to request financial help from the state when starting a business. I did that.

Can you reflect on some of the notable challenges you’ve encountered in running your creative business?

Jenny: There is always that little voice in my head that says, what if people don’t like your jewelry anymore? What if they don’t want to buy it anymore? I have bills to pay and need an income. So money is the biggest challenge.

That’s sad actually because thoughts like these affect my creativity. So I decided instead to concentrate on the process and on the fact that I’m living a free life, as my own boss. It is still the best decision I ever made!

Can you tell us about your main venue for selling your creations and how you’ve navigated the challenges and successes associated with it?

Jenny: The main platform for selling my jewelry in my online shop. I also offer some products on platforms like Etsy or Amazon.

Since last year I started to attend markets regularly. It’s such a great experience to interact directly with customers. The feedback is amazing.

How many shows or venues do you typically attend in a year?

Jenny: My goal is to at least attend one market a month.

Have face-to-face interactions at shows led to follow-up sales on platforms like Instagram or Etsy?

Jenny: Yes, I see people coming back online. Some buy a piece as a gift for a friend or a family member. And some come back to gift themselves with a new piece of jewelry.

How do you stay creative and motivated during challenging times in your business?

Jenny: I have some basic products that sell well and I can rely on. And after the years I have a feeling of what people want or like. So I know with making these pieces I can’t be wrong.

For the more special pieces I give it time. It always starts with an idea in my head that develops slowly or sometimes quickly.

I try to not stress myself to be creative. I know that it is there even when I don’t feel it on some days. But actually I never experienced a block of creativity before. There are these low days and I let them be. I think they are for resting. They come and go.

The most important thing is that I believe in myself and that I know what I can do. That feeling has never left me.

Do you have any specific habits or practices that help you stay creative on a regular basis?

Jenny: My dog always brings me back to the now. And she is the reason why I have to go out and take a walk at least three times a day. These walks clear my mind. Especially the walks in nature. So that helps a lot!

Furthermore I meditate a lot, I work out regularly and I try to get enough sleep. I have set boundaries to assure to get enough time for myself. I don’t work on weekends. And on weekdays I set a fixed time to end my work.

What do you think are your top three strengths as a creator/business owner?

Jenny: To be thankful for what I do.

To trust in my skills.

To not take everything too seriously.

How does living a creative life contribute to your overall happiness?

Jenny: I have been creative my whole life. But living a creative live to make a living was the best thing I could ever do. It makes me happy, confident and very satisfied.

Creativity is a way to express myself and to make others happy. That’s all I need.

Did you have a mentor or role model who influenced your creative journey?

Jenny: I met some very lovely artists on Instagram who do similar jewelry. We are very strongly connected, some of them became friends. We support each other and of course inspire each other. There is no competition and I love that.

You use Nunn Design Jewelry Findings in your work. How did you come to discover Nunn Design, and why do you trust your jewelry to our products?

Jenny: One of my artist friends told me about Nunn Design.

I love the unique designs and the high quality of the products. There is nothing similar on the market.

Thank you, Jenny, for taking the time to inspire us!

To view more of Jenny’s stunning creations, visit her on Website at:
Follow and support Jenny on Instagram at:

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