Aristan Feature: Paula of
Resity Shop!

(source: instagram @resityshop)

One of the many things that I love about designing and distributing jewelry findings is watching our customers create. It is especially fun when I see a designer from Sibiu, Romania creating with organics and resin within the Nunn Design Bezels.

Please, let me introduce to you Paula of Resity Shop. I caught up with Paula in between resin pours to ask her some questions about her creative life in Romania.

(source: instagram @resityshop)

Becky: Thank you Paula for agreeing to be featured on the Nunn Design Blog. In your Etsy bio, you mention that you attended art school. Could you tell us a little bit about what art school in Romania was like?
Paula:Thank you for the opportunity to be featured on your blog.
I actually attended High School of Economics and changed my field of study to Art in University, where I studied Graphic Design. The thing I enjoyed the most was the creative environment, which exposed me to different media. Working with resin started as a hobby and turned into a business after I rebranded Pau’s Handmade to Resity Shop as my Bachelor thesis.

(source: instagram @resityshop)

Becky: Did you take a class on jewelry making or resin while you were in art school, or was resin something you discovered on your own?
Paula: I didn’t have the opportunity to take a class on resin here in Romania, so it was something I discovered on my own and fell in love with right away. Most of my information came from the internet and the rest from years of trial and error.

Becky: Tell us about your beginning experiences with resin. Did you have a learning curve?
Paula: Working with resin definitely had a learning curve, as it is a two-part polymer that requires a lot of precision. I’ve had plenty of failed batches that pushed me to the limit of quitting, but eventually, lessons were learned which helped me create better products.

(source: instagram @resityshop)

Becky: I am happy for you that you grew up in a family that was supportive of your art. Could you tell us a little bit about your childhood and what that support looked like?
Paula: Growing up, I’ve spent most of my time in my room making bracelets, knitting, sewing clothes for my dolls and later making jewelry out of clay and beads. My mom always provided me with any supply I needed and encouraged me further to create.

Becky: Are the arts supported in Romania or was this support unique to your family.
Paula: Art is not a priority for the Romanian people. I would say that I’m one of the lucky ones that got family support in this direction.

Becky: What is your favorite platform for marketing?
Paula: Marketing is still something that I need to improve, but I use Instagram and Pinterest to promote my jewelry.

Becky: Do you sell at art and craft shows? Are there a lot of opportunities for artisans to sell their work in Romania?
Paula: I’ve only recently started selling at craft shows and will continue to do so in the future. Selling online takes away most of the human interaction, so going to craft shows gives me the boost I need to keep going forward. I have participated in handmade fairs in Austria and Germany, but lately, I’ve noticed an increase in opportunities in Romania as well.

Becky: What are some of your challenges of running a small business?
Paula: The biggest challenge I encounter is self-discipline, which mainly consists of balancing personal life and work hours. Another thing I struggle with is managing every aspect of my business, that is usually done by a group of people.

Becky: You choose to use Nunn Design Findings for your resin jewelry. Thank you. Why do you trust your jewelry to Nunn Design?
Paula: I’ve been following your work for some time and loved the high quality and diversity in your findings. And after trying some of your products I felt that they complement my work the most.

(source: instagram @resityshop)

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