9 Resin Jewelry Trends to be Inspired By!


I look at jewelry pretty much all day long. I look. I watch. I try to see patterns in the maker’s marketplace. Here are some things that I have seen. Are they trends? Well, yes. A trend is: A general direction in which something is developing or changing. Here is my observation on the general direction in which I’m seeing jewelry created with resin developing or changing.

Trend: Irregular shapes

Resin jewelry is taking on more and more of an organic feel with irregular shapes. I’m seeing resin that might be poured in a solid shape and then cut and sanded and buffed with interesting edges and irregular one-of-a-kind shapes.

Credit: Anne Loarie

Credit: Anne Loarie

Credit: Bones and Things

Trend: Color Gradations

Having resin gradate in color is a trend. How the heck?

Credit: Lily Kamper

Credit: Lily Kamper

Credit: Karamae

Trend: Organics in Resin

Beautifully preserved organics embedded in resin is a clear trend that isn’t fading. Growing your own organics and telling the story of your lifestyle on the farm is also a resin trend.

Credit: Spotted Dog Farm

Credit: Spotted Dog Farm

Credit: The Hidden Garden

Credit: The Hidden Garden

Trend: Free Form with no Frames

This Russian Artist, Anastasiya Lazareva, creates beautiful pieces of resin botanical jewelry in more of a free form fashion. Her tutorial below is in Russian, but her photos tell the process. I also like how this artist is incorporating jewelry findings into her resin botanical jewelry.

Credit: Botanica Jewelry
Tutorial: The Creation of Transparent Jewelry Without a Mold
Video: Handmade Botanical jewelry Unique resin jewelry with real plants

Trend: Mixing it Up with Minerals

I’m not sure what all goes into these amazing pieces created by artist Jade Mellor. A whole lot of coolness! My guess is resin, granite and minerals.

Credit: Jade Mellor

Trend: Wood in Resin

The more I learn what goes into pieces of wood and resin jewelry, the less expensive they seem to be. Smokes! Along with some inspiration, I’ve included a couple links on how this is done.

Credit: My Secret Wood

How this technique is done video:
Secret Wood Rings DIY
Glowing Wood Resin Jewelry

Trend: Wood Bezels

In addition to wood being included, wood is becoming the bezel itself. These pieces by Build in Wood are so very wonderful!

Credit: Build with Wood

Trend: Shadowbox Dimensional Feel

Creating a dimension feel with images raised to the surface and a gradation of color in the background creates a very interesting look. Almost like wall art at your fingertips.

Credit: Fernworks

Trend: Stack and Layer

Holy COW! These are awesome! Love how this company Sobral creates multiple layers of color and forms them into wonderful shapes. I’m not sure if this is even resin, could be polymer, but I love it so included it.


Credit: Sobral

Well, I inspired myself! I hope I inspired you too! Do you have a favorite?

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4 thoughts on “9 Resin Jewelry Trends to be Inspired By!

  1. Gloria Beachey says:

    Oh my goodness! Inspired?!?!!!! These are great! Your tutorial on embedding organics changed the whole direction of my jewelry making and now this!! The sky is truly the limit. Thank you, Becky Nunn. I will send you pictures of some of the things I’ve done up to now.

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