Call for Innovation Team

***UPDATE: Call is closed! Will announce the Team on December 2nd. ***

Nunn Design’s Open Call for Design Team

For the first time in its history, Nunn Design is seeking talented individuals who would like to become a part of an extraordinary community of artisans — the Nunn Design Innovation Team.

Who You Are

Are you an artist who loves to push the envelope? Are you an innovator? A trendsetter? … Do you think ahead of the curve and live at the cutting-edge of your craft? Do you have a distinct visual language and unique individual style? Do you work in varied mediums (paper, resin, polymer, epoxy, metals, fiber, and more)?

If you’re a creative powerhouse who wants to work on the inside of innovation; if you’re an artisan — of any medium — who’d love to become an architect of style, teaming with one of the most respected companies in the industry, we want to know about you.

And we want you to know a little bit more about us.

Who We Are

Nunn Design is a jewelry design company based in the historic Victorian seaport of Port Townsend, Washington. Founded more than 20 years ago by Rebecca Nunn — an artist, jewelry designer, and entrepreneur — Nunn Design is passionate about supporting the unique creative expression of each individual.

From day one, we’ve continually developed new and beautiful jewelry findings and components that have served the work of professional artists, gifted artisans, and talented jewelry designers. In the ensuing years, our business has grown to embrace education and continued innovation. But our founding principles guide everything we do.

Nunn Design is still a small company that champions a singular standard of quality. We revel in providing a blank canvas that invites each artist in — an open space of creative possibility that simultaneously enchants and inspires.

Stated more simply, we’re here to inspire and nurture creativity. And we’re standing on the cusp of some tantalizing new ventures and possibilities.

Unprecedented Access

As a member of our creative team, you’ll be privy to these upcoming, exciting, and confidential developments. You’ll have exclusive, hands-on access to innovative prototypes and brand new products that have yet to hit the market.

An Innovative Exchange

Every month, we’ll send you a Goody Box of secret treasures ready for you to play and experiment with. And every month, you’ll send us a minimum of two finished pieces of jewelry made from these secret treasures. With your pieces, you’ll include detailed, written instructions on how each was created (including a list of any tools and supplies that were used). And you’ll promote Nunn Design through your preferred social media pathways.

In return, we’ll give you unprecedented visibility, reach, and exposure. Your pieces will be featured prominently — with specific and proper credit — in our advertisements, and on our website. Each of our Innovation Team members will be heralded throughout the year on our blog, as part of our Artisan Spotlight. And we’ll feature you and your work in published articles that will appear in notable industry trade and consumer magazines.

How It Works

If you’d like to become a part of this exclusive Team, please fill out the Nunn Design Innovation Team Application (below). Send in your completed form with three to six images of your art by November 28th, 2011. After careful review of all applications, we will extend a formal invitation to each chosen candidate on December 2nd, 2011.

*UPDATED INFO: This invitation letter will answer detailed rights and payment questions, and will outline the nuts and bolts of our creative relationship. However, if you have immediate questions, please feel free to contact us at any time by phone or email, or within the comments section of this blog.*

Looking Forward

We’re excited to open our innermost doors to fellow artists who are passionate about inspiring creativity. All of us here at Nunn Design look forward to blending our skills and talents and beginning a mutually prosperous future together!

Become a part of the inner circle. Become an architect of innovation. Become a source of inspiration.

The Nunn Design Innovation Team

Innovate. Create. Inspire.

Apply Here

***UPDATE: Call is closed! Will announce the Team on December 2nd. ***

Shop Nunn Design Wholesale

Nunn Design has been supplying jewelry artists with findings for over 20 years. Shop wholesale jewelry findings for creative jewelry makers.

Shop Nunn Design!

How to Purchase Wholesale?

If you are interested in becoming one of the many designers who trust their jewelry to Nunn Design Findings, please join us by registering to become one of our wholesale customers!

Please visit our Where to Buy Page for a listing of online stores that sell Nunn Design Findings retail.

If you enjoyed reading this post, please subscribe to our blog. Here are 10 Reasons Why to Subscribe and a place to do so!

7 thoughts on “Call for Innovation Team

  1. Deborah A. Weaver says:

    I have a couple of questions that perhaps you can answer with regards to your design team. You don’t mention whose name has copyright status, the designer who actually designs the pieces using your products or do you keep copyright for yourself (company)? Also you mention that you require instructions on how you made the 2 pieces you make each month and that these may be used in “trade publications”, does this mean you will be publishing “how to” articles in the beading magazines? If so, who gets the pay for writing the article, or are you just going to use the pictures for advertising purposes. Who maintains the copyright on designs and instructions, and are we compensated in the form of a payment or are the “findings” you send meant as “payment”. This program seems to benefit your company but does not sound like there is much gained for the actual designer. Having your name as the designer of the project is nice, but it doesn’t pay any bills. I think perhaps I should have asked these questions prior to submitting the application. It appears somewhat sketchy and clarification on some of these points would be appreciated.

    Thank you!
    Deborah A.Weaver

    • Rebecca says:

      Thank you for your follow up questions. We understand entirely that you would be concerned both with payment and copyright issues. We have an agreement that will be presented to each person who is chosen to be part of the Innovation Team, and we’ll send that to you if you’re selected. However, we wanted to respond to your questions below promptly.

      First, as designers ourselves, we understand completely that you are concerned about payment. In regards to compensation for magazine articles, the designer of the project would receive all compensation paid by the publication for that said article. We at Nunn Design would be acting solely as the means to connect the two sources. And yes, you will also be compensated with free Nunn Design products.

      With respect to copyrights, because the purpose of the Innovation Team is to help market Becky Nunn Design, LLC, the copyright in all designs, instructions and other materials will be owned by Becky Nunn Design, LLC.

      We hope this answers your questions satisfactorily.

      Becky Nunn
      Nunn Design

  2. Debbie says:

    I just thought I’d check to make sure you got my application the other day. The photo files were fairly large and the server took some time to accept them so I figured I’d better confirm that you received everything.
    Debbie Shaner

  3. Mona Abou-Zeid says:

    First of all thanks for putting up this opportunity for us designers to get back up from your company and if I may be frank 2 designs a month is not a large ask if you will back me up with material and exposure in different social media.
    I think its a great idea and I am crossing my fingers and toes for luck.

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