10 Things I Learned About Etsy Part 2!


If you missed the 10 Things I Learned About Etsy Part 1, this post is a continuation with another 5 things that I learned while setting up an Etsy site. In all honesty, I didn’t list 10 Things in the first post because I needed time to come up with another 5 things to talk about! FULL DISCLOSURE, the points that I learned and shared in this post came from our customers! So, we all have our fellow tribe of artisans to thank for this post!

When I first started this process in October, I did so for several reasons (take a look at this post in which I address some of the reasons: Selling on etsy 10 Great Resources). I also went into setting up the Etsy site hoping that it would do the following:

  • Give me motivation to create more jewelry (besides magazine work, tutorials and samples for tradeshows and the gallery)
  • Provide additional exposure on our social media channels
  • Provide additional content to talk about
  • I wanted to understand the process and to have the ability to think like an Etsy artist
  • To get an understanding of what sells (well, I’ve sold seven pieces, so that may take some time!)

Here are 5 Additional Things I Learned About Etsy (plus some bonus points because I was on a roll!):

1. Stay Consistent in listing and renewing items.

It is important to stay consistent in listing and renewing items. One customer said the magic number for her was 4 new listings or renewed listings a day. There are several discussions that you can scan through in the Community/Forums on Etsy to see what other Etsy artist are recommending:

2. Utilize the About Page.

When I first launched, I missed out on several of the features that Etsy offers. One of those items is the About Page. Branding oneself and giving the buyer a glimpse of who you are is just plain good marketing! Silly me that I missed that! It was easy to set-up. Here is some information on how to set-up an About Page on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/2661


3. Set up Shop Sections

I had forgotten to set-up the shop sections (rings, earrings, bracelets, etc.). Ugghh. No worries, it was fairly easy to do. This is important because it allows the buyer to easily see just the items of interest instead of looking through all of your pages. Here is some information on how to set-up a shop section on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/165


4. List Measurements.

I had forgotten to put the measurements boldly and prominently in all of the listings. Actually, I had accidently put the measurements in the shipping box area, and not the description…so back in to edit. Spelling these details out makes it easier for a customer to purchase, verses having to think too much or ASK about it (which isn’t going to happen!).

5. Use multi-word and not one-word tags.

A customer wrote in,

Always use multi word and not one word tags. Make them as descriptive as you can. For example on this bracelet: https://www.etsy.com/listing/254689698/blue-link-bracelet-blue-and-gold-link?ref=related-3 I would have tagged it: navy blue, blue and gold, gold plated, office jewelry, every day jewelry, under $50.00 dollars, agate blue color, one of a kind, affordable jewelry, bracelet for work … You get the idea, descriptive words that a customer would search for that describe the bracelet, which is not necessarily what the bracelet is made of.”

I haven’t yet gone back and edited all of the tags, but it is on the list!

6. Try the “Sell on Etsy” iPhone app.

Okay, I’m running over on my 5 tips, but I’m on a roll… This next one I haven’t yet been able to implement because I had such an old phone. My new iPhone just arrived today, so I’m excited to try the Shop Updates. It is a new “Sell on Etsy” app that allows you to post images to Facebook and Instagram (which I also just set-up with my new phone) at the same time! Here is some info on that: https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook/article/5-tips-for-sharing-your-story-with-shop/31380092335

7. Upload 5 photos, backside is important too.

All right, I got busted for not having 5 photos of each item. Dang, 3 photos were hard enough! But I can see the importance of showing the backside of an item (especially since our bezels have such a lovely backside…ha!).

8. Make sure photos communicate clearly the item for sale.

I was also busted by a fellow Etsy seller for not making it clear that “although there are multiple bracelets shown in one of the photos displayed (thought I’d be a cheap-o and combine lifestyle shots with other like-kind items), the only item being sold with this listing is the blue and gold resin bracelet.” Man, I’m glad I didn’t get truly busted by a customer who was upset!


9. Use the Shop Announcement.

I’d also forgotten to do the Shop Announcement. That now is done too! https://www.etsy.com/help/article/167


Phew! I’m telling you. This is a process! I hope that you can find a tip to help you improve your Etsy Shop or make it easier for you to set-up a shop.

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2 thoughts on “10 Things I Learned About Etsy Part 2!

  1. Michelle says:

    Thanks for giving us these awesome tips. Most seems like common sense, but as “they” say “common sense isn’t so common any more”, so I’m not sure I’d remember to hit each of these points when I go to set up my Etsy shop – a goal for Jan. 2016. These points and the first 5 give me something to chew on – how I’ll implement them – between now and Jan, in between preparing for the holidays. 🙂 Thanks again! Hope you’re enjoying the holiday season!

  2. Pingback: 10 Things I Learned About Etsy Part 1! - Nunn Design

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