5 Things I Love!

Hello my friends! I hope everyone is doing well while navigating these uncertain times. One thing is certain, change is inevitable. I find myself needing to be extra disciplined in my practices to stay grounded and centered.

I wanted to take this week to share some of the things I love that help me stay committed to living a life full of creativity, learning, and curiosity. Some practices I have been doing for many years, others are fairly recent. As with all things, the ebb and flow of the tide brings different practices for different times.

Let’s get started!

1.  Holden QiGong

My sister introduced me to Lee Holden years ago and I really love his teaching style. On his website, Lee describes that Qi Gong (Chee-gong) is an ancient Chinese moving meditation you can practice to boost energy, relieve stress, and balance your emotions. It focuses on holistic health, or “whole being” health, by addressing all of who you are, mind, body, and spirit.

“Qi” means energy and “Gong” means skill or cultivation. So, Qi Gong is “the skill of cultivating your life-force energy.” Through gentle movements, deep breathing, and meditation, Qi Gong helps you cultivate positive life-force energy, and promote healing from within.

As an introduction to this moving meditation form, here are a couple of Lee’s top youtube Videos. As a person who spends a lot of time staring at a computer screen, I especially like the 13-minute video to relieve back and neck stress.

The Top 5 Holden Qi Gong YouTube Videos of 2024

2.  Kundalini Yoga with Lynn Roulo

I have mentioned Lynn before. I continue to benefit from her generosity and wisdom. I recently did a 30-day yoga challenge (can you say free!) at the beginning of the year. Just enough time to set-up a new habit!

Since discovering Lynn, I have done my yoga practice every day. Maybe I missed it once. Her unique approach ties together two systems; the physical benefits of Kundalini Yoga with the psychological growth tools of the Enneagram. Both systems are becoming two of my favorite topics!! She has tons of free videos online!

I’m looking forward to taking her 40-Day Wellness Reset scheduled March 10-April 19th. Want to join me?

3.  Podcasts I Love!

I love to learn new things. My friend Tammy said to me last week, “You are going to be learning new things until the moment you take your last breath!” I sure hope so!!

I listen to podcasts on my daily walk, driving in the car, taking a bath, cooking. It is my way of relaxing.

Here are a couple of my favorites (please leave a comment on some of yours!!);

4.  Free Online Classes!

For the past year, the internet has exploded with free online summits. I’ve signed up for just about every one of them (it’s all part of my research to see where humanity is headed). I’ve been to trauma summits (sounds like a kill-joy, but it was really fascinating!), relationship summits, menopause summits, consciousness summits, birthing summits… I could go on! I don’t watch everything, but I do watch some of each just to give me an idea of what is happening in the world. It gives me a lot of hope to see so many people trying to solve our global issues.

My most recent sign-up was for a free 5-day online workshop with Nicholas Wilton, the founder of Art2Life March 3-7. I love seeing how others set-up workshops, how they teach, and what they teach. Again, I may attend some of it, none of it, or all of it. Who knows, but at least I will have the option!

5.  My Local Newspaper

Photo credit: Jim Pivarnik

Being part of a small-town community has so many positive aspects, but with all things, there are positives and negatives. The Yin Yang balance of humanity has been showing up in full force and recently I felt called to write a column for my local paper. I am grateful that I have the ability to do this and the local paper published it!

I was inspired when the last edition of our community paper came out, a letter to the editor caught my husband’s attention. A neighbor of ours, (whom I love), spent several paragraphs slamming the editor of our paper, (whom I also love). Both people have been to gatherings at my house. I hope that they will join us in the future. The tension expressed in this letter upset my stomach. I think we all can relate to this. Tension is running high. We Creatives are often very sensitive to these sorts of conflicts.

So, after much tossing and turning in my sleep trying to figure out how to address this, I wrote the following. I’ll only include the first paragraphs, but you can get an idea of the direction that I hope our community will head versus the “in your face” approach that social media or mainstream media tends to take. Included is a link so you can read the full column.

Worth Preserving

Recently I came across a presentation titled, Healing With Love, Hopeful Wisdom For Difficult Times, a conversation between Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman originally recorded at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California.

In this archived lecture, Jack shares the story of Maha Ghosananda, the Gandhi of Cambodia, who lived through the horrific genocide that took place during the political upheaval of 1970’s. In addressing the emotional reactions of the survivors, Maha Ghosananda quotes the eternal wisdom of the Buddha, “Hatred never ceased by hatred, but by love alone is healed.”

With the local and national news headlines continually testing our reactivity, I am called to reflect deeply on this eternal wisdom as our community and country navigate this transformation. I ask myself, “How will I participate in the world that I want to live in? Will I do so with hatred? Othering? Blaming? Or will I reflect deeply on my own thoughts, whether spoken or silent?”

Visit our blog post for the rest of the article.

Thank you everyone for all you do out there in the world. Creating beauty and living a creative life is so very important and an essential part of our world being in balance.

All my love-

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