Crafting an Inviting Email Newsletter: Ideas to Try

Hello Everyone!

Recently I received an email from a customer asking about our email campaigns. I forwarded the email onto Melissa, our lead graphic designer here at Team Nunn and asked her if she could put a post together on this topic.

I hope that all of you can learn something from what we strive to do! Maybe you have even better ways you connect with your customers and if so, we’d love to learn from you. All of us collectively advance forward by working together and sharing our knowledge.

I hope you are enjoying the summer!
All my love-


Featured designers from Brags on You! June 2024

Crafting an Inviting Email Newsletter: Ideas to Try

Hello, I’m Melissa, the lead designer at Team Nunn. Becky asked me to dive deeper into our email campaigns and share some tips with you all.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, finding ways to stand out and connect with your audience is important. One effective strategy we’ve found is through email marketing. Here’s why building a strong subscriber base is essential for growing your business:

  • Direct Communication: Unlike social media, where algorithms control visibility, email campaigns go directly to your audience’s inbox. This ensures your message reaches those who are truly interested in your journey.
  • Building Relationships: Newsletters are more than just selling products. They’re a chance to share your insights, stories, and creative processes, helping you connect more deeply with your audience.
  • Creating Loyalty: Regular updates keep your brand in your customers’ minds. Over time, this consistent communication builds trust and loyalty.

We’re excited to share our approach and hope you find these insights helpful. Feel free to share your own strategies with us too – we love learning from our community!

Featured designers from Brags on You! May 2024

We Use Mailchimp for Our Newsletters

While there are many great email marketing services out there, we found Mailchimp early on, and it has served us well. Here’s how it works for us:

  • Easy to Use: Mailchimp is super user-friendly. Even if you’re new to email marketing, you’ll find it easy to navigate and get your newsletters out.
  • Lots of Customization: They offer a bunch of templates and design options, so you can create newsletters that really match your brand’s style.
  • Time-Saving Automation: Mailchimp’s automation features are a lifesaver. They let you schedule emails and set up automatic sends, so your audience gets your messages at just the right time.
  • Helpful Analytics: The detailed reports are great for tracking how well your newsletters are doing. They help you figure out what your audience likes and what you might want to tweak.

Featured designers from Brags on You! April 2024

Getting Started

Inspired by the clean, simple emails we create at Nunn Design? Here’s how you can get started with your own:

  1. Sign Up for Mailchimp: Create an account on Mailchimp (or any other email marketing platform like Constant Contact or Sendinblue). Many platforms offer free tiers with basic features, so you can start without any upfront cost. Explore its features to understand how you can use them to your advantage. Many platforms offer tutorials and resources to help you get started.
  2. Build Your List: Import your existing contacts and start gathering new subscribers through your website and social media. Add signup forms to your website, promote your newsletter on social media, and consider offering an incentive.
  3. Design Your Template: Choose a template that matches your brand’s style. Customize it with your logo, colors, and fonts to make it truly yours. Make sure it’s mobile-friendly since many people will read your emails on their phones.
  4. Plan Your Content: Decide what you want to share. Think about a mix of updates, promotions, product releases, artisan features, customer spotlights, tutorials, and any other useful info related to your craft. Create a content calendar to plan your emails in advance.
  5. Ignore That Imposter Syndrome: Tell that little voice in your head saying everything is wrong to quiet down. We all have those moments, but remember, your audience is interested in what you have to share. Right? Right??
  6. Send and Analyze: Start sending out your emails and use Mailchimp’s analytics to see what your audience likes the most. I enjoy the “click map” that shows what exactly people are clicking on in a campaign.

At Nunn Design, we love inspiring and nurturing creativity. Using these tips, hopefully you can connect more meaningfully with your audience.

Featured designers from Brags on You! March 2024

We Want to Hear from You!

We’d love to know what you’d like to see in our newsletters. Your feedback helps us make sure we’re providing content that’s valuable and interesting to you. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us:

  • What topics interest you the most?
  • Are there any specific products or features you’d like us to cover?
  • Do you prefer more tutorials, customer stories, or behind-the-scenes content?

Feel free to leave a comment. Your input is invaluable, and we appreciate your time and insights!

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Nunn Design has been supplying jewelry artists with findings for over 20 years. Shop wholesale jewelry findings for creative jewelry makers.

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How to Purchase Wholesale?

If you are interested in becoming one of the many designers who trust their jewelry to Nunn Design Findings, please join us by registering to become one of our wholesale customers!

Please visit our Where to Buy Page for a listing of online stores that sell Nunn Design Findings retail.

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2 thoughts on “Crafting an Inviting Email Newsletter: Ideas to Try

  1. Kathy Alderfer says:

    Becky and Melissa, thank you so much for responding to my request! This is such helpful information and will help motivate me to get started on building a newsletter campaign. And to answer your question about what features I would like you to cover…I love seeing the Brags On You features! They help to jumpstart some ideas of ways to use your lovely components.

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