Bee Hairpins!

Gold Bumble Bee Bobby Pins

Now that summer is upon us, I seem to be on a bee theme! Check out these super cute hairpins that etsy artist, Elizabeth Perry, is creating. They are all the buzz!!!  Elizabeth Perry Collections: Gold Bumble Bee Bobby Pins

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1 thoughts on “Bee Hairpins!

  1. Katherine Babcock says:

    These are way cute! I love how you can just see the bees. With record heat happening here in Denver, I’ve been thankful my hair is short – but seeing these darling bees makes me reevaluate the whole short hair decision. Hmm I wonder if I could just “glue” them to my head…kind of like you do with bows and Karo Syrup on baby girls who don’t have much hair.

    :::Wondering how long it would take to get the Karo out of my hair…and whether it’s really worth it:::

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