Becky’s Tidbits. The State of Our Union

For days we all have been receiving email notifications from companies regarding covid virus related changes in operations. I knew I needed to post something. The standard form letter or blog post highlighting “10 Things you can do or create during a pandemic”, did not feel right.

The more I thought about how I could connect from a place of authenticity, the more I came back to the idea of simplicity. It is in times like these, when everything in our world has turned upside down that we must take the time to reflect on what is truly important. For me, health, family, nature, and creativity have emerged as my top priorities.

Here is an example of simplicity in my own life.

My niece’s baby shower was recently cancelled because of the need to “socially distance”. An evite arrived letting us know that we could “shop online using the provided links”. They would call via Facebook or Zoom and open the gift in your “digital presence”.

We can all understand the complexity of this situation, but the whole thought of doing this made me sad. I had been looking forward to connecting, to sharing my wisdom as a woman and as a mother.

My disappointment turned to irritation as I considered buying something online. I’m not a big consumer. Just the thought of ordering via the internet, having it shipped to my house, needing to wrap it, enclose a card, then to mail it to them just didn’t make sense and seemed wasteful when so many people have lost so much.

I considered doing nothing, using the present situation as an excuse.

As I journaled my way towards a solution, this is what emerged;
“We all need to simplify, slow down, and learn to live with less.”

With this in mind I knew I needed to create something of real meaning. Something that will help my niece and her husband to navigate parenthood.

A handmade book came to mind. My daughter’s Emillia and Isabella could share memories of things we did as a family. My husband Brett and I could share funny stories about parenthood mishaps and things that we valued most about having children.

I was excited by this concept. We could present this to them via Zoom or Facetime, read some of our entries, and hand over the actual book in person at a less frantic time in the months to come.

Over the past 20 years, my relationships with our customers have grown to be much more than seller to buyer. I consider all of you as part of my tribe, my family, my community.

My husband and I have been scrappy our whole lives. We are avid garage sale shoppers. We frequent the local salvage yards. We can never pass up a thrift shop. We live simply so that we can focus on our top priorities; health, family, nature and creativity.

I think that many of us artists live and value this type of lifestyle.

I do not know if all of us will ever get back to normal. Normal is changing before our eyes every day. What I do know is that our creativity, our values, our lifestyles, our contributions as artist, designers, and makers will be more important than ever. I will do my best to guide the community we have built together through these uncharted waters.

These next couple of months will be very challenging for Nunn Design. Be assured we are working diligently to navigate anything that comes our way. Nunn Design knows how to be scrappy. We will continue to be in business. We are working remotely, we have inventory, and we are able to do limited shipping.

Stay healthy. Stay in possibility. Know that the strengths and gifts that you bring to the world are needed. What we do as a community does matter!

All my love-

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4 thoughts on “Becky’s Tidbits. The State of Our Union

  1. Kim Muller says:

    Thanks for another thoughtful post. I believe we’ll all come out stronger on the other side of this. I’m seeing the blessings in what is happening even though some of it has been very hard to accept.

  2. Sarah Sieradzki says:

    Thanks for the inspiration Becky. All any of us can control right now is how we respond to this crisis. You are such a positive role model!

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