How to Mix and Colorize Nunn Design 2-Part Resin

If you are learning to mix Nunn Design 2-Part Resin and how to colorize it using Castin’ Craft Opaque Pigments for the first time, you are in for a real treat! The techniques that we have in store for you will open up a whole new level of creative fun!

Having a strong “how-to” foundation of good resin habits is key to your fun and success. This tutorial will walk you through the basics! Enjoy exploring the possibilities!

This tutorial is part of a series of posts covering the technique of “How to Rubber Stamp on Epoxy Clay and Apply Colorize Resin.”

Fast Tutorial Video:

Watch this Fast Video For a quick overview of the process and then read the full tutorial below!

Long Tutorial Video:

Watch the Long Video and see the complete process!

If you want to see where this purple color ended up, check out this tutorial: How to Rubber Stamp on Epoxy Clay and Apply Colorized Resin.

Learn How!

Nunn Design Bezels
Epoxy Clay – White

Other Supplies Needed:
Wet wipes
Toothpicks or headpins
Baby Powder
Plastic Bags, such as a Ziploc Bag

How to Mix Nunn Design 2-Part Resin

The Nunn Design Resin Kit contains:
A 4-ounce bottle of clear epoxy resin
A 4-ounce bottle of epoxy hardener
2 precision tips to screw onto the bottles
5 mixing cups
5 mixing sticks
Printed instructions on how to mix the resin

Step 1. Read the resin instructions for safety concerns regarding the Nunn Design Resin. Put on your latex gloves and I would recommend safety glasses. I wear readers so I think that my eyes are protected. Make sure you have a pile of wet-wipes on the ready!

Step 2. To mix the resin you’ll want to have an exact one-to-one ratio. The one-to-one ratio has to be one tablespoon of Part A first and one tablespoon of Part B. This is a volume thing, not a weight thing. You have to mix the full mixing cup of resin to have the resin properly activate. I thought this was an excuse to get me to use more resin, but trust me, it isn’t! It is important to pour Part A first into the cup and then Part B. It is a chemical thing about part A being heavier or something.

Place one of the mixing cups included in the Nunn Design Resin Kit onto your table.
I suggest getting your eyes level with the resin so you can see the lines on the measuring cup. Remove the lid to Part A of your resin kit and slowly pour the resin into the mixing cup up to the 1 Tablespoon mark. I suggest that you go slow until you start to gain more confidence. When you start to get near the 1 Tablespoon line, tilt the Part A bottle down, slowing the flow of the resin. Slowly drizzle the resin into the cup until you have hit the 1 Tablespoon mark EXACTLY! To end the flow of the resin, twist the bottle. Use a wet-wipe to fully clean up resin from the edge of the bottle. Make sure to put the Part A lid back onto the resin bottle.

I fold over my wet-wipe to make sure I don’t contaminate Part B when I clean up the edge of that resin after I pour it. I am also making sure that I don’t get any of the resin onto my hands.

Following all the same steps used for Part A, pour Part B into the mixing cup until it is EXACTLY at the 2 Tablespoon mark. Clean up the edge of the resin bottle and securely twist the Part B cap back onto the resin.

Step 3. Set your timer for 2 minutes. Using the stir stick from your Nunn Design Resin Kit, slowly and carefully stir your resin scraping the bottom of the cup and the sidewalls as you stir. Go slowly because it is easy for the cup to overflow. I hold the cup at the base and use my fingers to help rotate the cup around. Stop from time to time and scrape the resin from the sides of the stir stick and continue to stir for the full 2 minutes. If your resin is still cloudy after your timer has gone off, continue to mix until clear.

After mixing is complete and your resin is clear, scrape both sides of your stir stick on the edge of your resin filled cup.

Another habit that I have developed is being aware of where I rest my stir sticks. To avoid getting resin all over my work surface, I like to rest the resin stir sticks in one of the mixing cups or onto a small Ziploc. I can easily peel the resin off of the Ziploc and reuse it. I can also reuse my stir stick once the resin has fully cured. I do know people who wipe out and reuse their mixing cups, but I haven’t done that so I cannot recommend it.

How to Colorize Nunn Design 2-Part Resin with Castin’ Craft Opaque Pigments

Step 4. For this tutorial, I used Nunn Design Resin and Castin’ Craft Opaque Pigments in Blue, Red and white to create Pantone 15-3817.

Pantone 15-3817

  • 1 tiny toothpick tip Blue
  • 1 toothpick tip Red
  • 1 toothpick tip White

To create more 2017-2020 Pantone Colors, download the Pantone Color Formula Cheat sheet!

Step 5. To colorize the resin, place another empty resin mixing cup onto your work area. Pour the clear, mixed resin into the cup, filling it to the 1 TSP (you may need more of the full TBSP mixed, but you can easily colorize more).

Step 6. The Castin’ Craft Opaque Pigments are very potent. Let’s define what a “tiny toothpick tip” and a “toothpick tip” amount of colorant should look like. This is not an exact science. If you don’t get the exact amount, your color will still come out fairly close.

A “tiny toothpick tip” should look like this.

A “toothpick tip” should look like this.

“Large toothpick” should look like this.

Step 7. Add a toothpick tip of Castin’ Craft Opaque Pigment – red or blue colorant into the clear mixed Nunn Design Resin and mix fully until blended. If you want the color to be even more opaque, add more of the Castin’ Craft Opaque Pigment.
TIP: Be sure that the colorant does not equal more than 10% of your resin as having more than 10% could cause issues with curing.

Trouble Shooting Tips!

Although, we are just covering some of the basics and not actually working on any particular project in this tutorial, let’s cover a couple of troubleshooting tips!

Tip 1. Use Business Cards
I tend to work in a small area (typically my kitchen table), so I like to work on a surface that projects can be easily moved around and not disturbed. Place some business cards or some heavy card stock onto your work surface, making it easy to move the pendants without getting any resin on your fingers.

I would recommend covering the card with glossy packing tape. This will prevent the resin from sticking to the paper.

Tip 2. Babysit Your Curing Resin
If you see bubbles rising to the surface, using your hot breath, breathe on them. It isn’t a “blow” sort of breath – more of a “huff” sort of breath. The hot air will make the bubbles expand, rise to the surface and pop. As the resin starts to set-up and becomes thicker, it will be more difficult for the air to rise to the surface. Make sure to check in on the curing resin and double-check for air bubbles. If you do have some bubbles that won’t pop with your “huff”, use a toothpick to gently drag them over to the sides. This agitation process will help them to pop. When the resin is thick and taffy-like in texture it is time to let it be. If you attempt to pop bubbles at this time, you may end up with a gooey mess.

Tip 3. Clean Up Resin Overflows
If you have resin that has over-poured or seeped under the Open Back Hoop and onto the card, wait about 6-12 hours until the resin is at its “soft cure” phase. Remove the hoop from the card. The resin will still be non-tacky but still flexible. Use a pair of needle-nose pliers to bend back the resin from the hoop. The resin will easily separate and peel off of the hoop.

Tip 4. Be Patient!
It may take longer than 12-18 hours depending on your room temperature. Make sure to babysit, but don’t mess with the resin after it starts to get really thick. You will only be disappointed with the results even more!

Tip 5. Use Excess Resin!
If you are stressing because of the waste, here are a couple of tutorials that are ideal for the resin that is getting very thick and goopy.

Tip 6. Have Fun!
Learning the basics and having a solid foundation is really key to your resin enjoyment. Take your time learning a new craft and developing new habits. They will be well worth your investment of time.

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