Becky’s Tidbits Episode 10 Setting Goals

Welcome to another Becky’s Tidbits, making this Episode #10

I’d like to explore goal setting. In particular, I am going to cover the 7 steps of goal setting that Zig Ziglar developed. Zig Ziglar, his real name was Hilary Hinton Zilgar, was an American author, salesman and motivational speaker. Mr. Ziglar inspired thousands to be positive and goal-oriented in order to achieve success through focused work. His life span was from 1926 to 2012.

Here are the 7 steps that Mr. Ziglar used for goal setting:

  1. Identify the goal
  2. List the benefits. Ask yourself, what is in it for me?
  3. List the obstacles to overcome
  4. List the skills and knowledge required
  5. Identify the people and group to work with
  6. Develop a plan of action
  7. Set a deadline for achievement

So, let me break this down into the 7 steps and go over an example of goal setting that I have done for myself.

1. Identify the goal:

If you don’t identify a target you will never hit it. When you identify a goal it means that you write it down and describe it clearly. Don’t set any nebulous targets. If you want to have specific success you must have specific targets. A goal “To improve my results” or “to spend more time on homework” is not specific. A specific goal would be “to increase my marks by 10% for each subject.”

So my goal example is:
To Be a Personable Visual Spokesperson for the Nunn Design Brand
To create more of a human connection that invites people to be creative.
To create more connection with our brand by being a more public spokesperson.
To post videos of myself telling motivational stories.
To share visually more about my creative lifestyle.

2. List the benefits – What’s in it for me?

Once you identify a specific goal you need to list the benefits you will receive when you reach that goal. Let’s face it, we only do the things we want to do and are willing to do. If there are no personal benefits – your motivation for completing the goal will be diminished. You will need all the personal motivation you can muster, and understanding what’s in it for you is vitally important.

My Benefits: This will support me in my company’s mission to inspire and nurture creativity.
By having a loving supportive person that is making a connection, I will be able to build deeper connections with our customers.
I have spent my life living the road less traveled – of living a creative life, yet being an entrepreneur.
I want to be able to support others in doing this.
I experience great joy and fulfillment by supporting others in winning. I don’t necessarily need the light to be on me in order to experience that joy, but I feel our company would benefit from having a more personal visual connection.

3. List the obstacles to overcome.

There will be some rough spots on your journey as you work to achieve your goals. Many of them can be anticipated and if you can anticipate something you can prepare yourself in advance to overcome it. So, think it through and make a complete list of all the things that could prevent you from being successful. If you can’t think of everything, ask a trusted friend who knows you well to help you finish the list.

My Obstacles: I’m an introvert and prefer a private life.
My lack of confidence comes from my lack of experience.
I need help with technology. Film. Sound. Lighting
I need a support team to help cheer me on and give me constructive feedback.
I need to see/find/track other creative entrepreneurs that have bridged the worlds of visual beauty (Instagram/Pinterest), content (YouTube/Blog/Newsletters) and motivational speaking (visual podcasts/podcasts).

4. List the skills and knowledge required:

Knowledge gives us the power to accomplish things we would not otherwise be able to do, and skills give us the tools to take advantage of our knowledge. There is a direct relationship between knowing and doing, and successfully accomplishing your goals will require that powerful combination.

My Skills: I need to have a better understanding of how to connect.
What to talk about to help people be more creative/motivated to create.
I want help from someone that can look at what we have been doing and provide an audit.

5. Identify the people and group to work with:

People do a better job when we have the help of others. They can help us with knowledge and skill and can offer valuable advice we need to be successful. So when you set your goals always consider the people and the groups you can work with that can help you be more successful.

My People: Do I need more of a PR person? A marketing consultant?
Melissa – ND graphic designer
Cheryl – ND copy editor

6. Develop a plan of action

This is the most critical step and it involves thinking through the details of how you will achieve your goal.

My Plan: Create introductions to the four online classes that we are producing during the month of October/November. Each script would welcome the students and thank them for showing up and taking the time to commit to their own creativity. Encourage people to share what they are working on with their family and friends. Encourage people to get support. Encourage people to be aware of the resistances, excuse, reason that will come forward and find a way to get support from people around them so that they can push through and create.

7. Set a deadline for achievement:

If you don’t set a deadline for completing your goals you will not be able to be accountable to yourself, or anyone else. If you are not accountable for your goals you will not achieve them.

My Deadline: Here I am!

If you want change for yourselves and your business in 2020, I highly recommend taking the time to do this 7 step process. This stuff really works!

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4 thoughts on “Becky’s Tidbits Episode 10 Setting Goals

  1. Aims Abson says:

    I’ve read one of Zig Ziglars books. In fact we gave it to all of our staff to read when the family business was running. We bought 10 copies of “No Thanks I’m just Looking” and it was required reading to work in the family business. To find someone else who looks to Ziglar is amazing Becky. I should have known tho. I’ve always said you are an incredible entrepreneur.

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