8 Practices to Bring You Joy & Meaning – Part 3

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If you are just joining us, you have entered into the third episode of a series that we are exploring together. Within this series, I am documenting a much-needed shift that has recently happened in my life.

I had been struggling for a couple years with a lack of motivation and a less than desirable amount of joy in my life and work. I believe that as humans, we all experience these highs and lows from time to time.

In this series, I am unpacking what I was reflecting on, the books I was reading and the podcasts I was listening to in order to entice my creative muses to “wake-up” and return to the path of joy and meaning. Maybe these suggestions or practices won’t be the right fit for your muses to jumpstart you moving forward with joy and meaning, but my hope is that you will be inspired to venture into your own exploration of discovery.

For those of you who have not lost your creative mojo, I hope that you too can take away some good practices that will help the flow of your creativity to be a smooth journey to continue enjoying.

In Part 1 and 2 of this series, I cover four practices:

1. Reflection

  • In part 1, we explore why spending time annually to reflect is helpful in creating the life that you say you want.
  • There is a free workbook available online to do this work. Download the free YearCompass to get started. It isn’t so much about setting “goals,” but how you can enhance relationships, spirituality, health and such.

2. Examining Habits

  • After finishing my 2023 YearCompass, I had some habits that I needed to look at within my life and take accountability for. I provide an example of my own not so great habit of watching too much TV.
  • I provide places where you can explore developing new habits to support you in your creative pursuits.

3. Be Inspired to Create

  • To replace my old habit of watching too much TV, I turned to podcasts.
  • I have a great recommendation of a wonderful podcast that I’m enjoying.

4. Finding Joy & Meaning Through Movement

  • In part 2, I explore my own experience with Zumba
  • I highly recommend the book; The Joy of Movement to get clear on why moving your body isn’t just about “being fit and in shape” but about how it contributes greatly to joy and meaning.

To read in full the other two blog posts in this series, you can do so here:

Now that we are all up to speed, let’s get started on covering two additional practices in pursuit of more joy and meaning!

5. Developing the Practice of Meditation

If you are anything like me, I would more than likely have skimmed over this topic in the past. Developing a practice of meditation was always one of those “I really need to do that,” but yet, I never seemed to get around to it. If you find this is true for you as well, please read on.

At the beginning of the year, a friend of mine texted me a link to a podcast series titled: “The Dalia Lama’s Guide to Happiness.” I typically jump on anything this friend is into because we love to learn together.

The podcast is on the Ten Percent Happier App and hosted by Dan Harris. Within the free 10-day course Dan and his crew transports us to India for insightful conversations with the Dalai Lama, world-renowned educator and researcher Richie Davidson, and meditation teacher Roshi Joan Halifax.


I love learning about how to train my mind to become happier through meditation. In part 1 of this series, we talked about habits and how to build them. One of ways to incorporate new habits, such as meditation, is to “stack” them in between habits that you already have. I found myself looking forward to the practice of meditation each morning and quickly adapted to incorporating it in my daily routine. As a result, meditation has been a huge contributor to bringing more joy and meaning into my life.

Action Step:

  • Here is a link to download the free course on the Ten Percent Happier App. Full disclosure, on episode 9 or so, they offer an annual subscription for ½ price, which I willingly signed-up for. The App has made the practice of meditation easy to follow through out and stay committed to.

6. Go Deeper Within

My top strength, according to the CliftonStrengths Assessment, is Learner. I especially love learning about myself, other human beings and anything to do with creativity.

One of the tools that I have used to learn more and go deeper into understanding myself has been through the Enneagram. Two teachers that I have learned a lot from are Beatrice Chestnut, PhD and Uranio Paes. Beatrice describes the Enneagram as: A universal symbol of human purpose and possibility that is an excellent tool for doing the hardest part of consciousness work: realizing, owning, and accepting your strengths and weaknesses.

As a result of doing my work and going deeper, I am experiencing a lot more joy and meaning within my life.

Action Steps:

I’d love to hear from you! Reply back and let me know what you think of this series. Are you finding additional resources for bringing more joy and meaning into your own life?

Check back next week for more practices that we can explore together!


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3 thoughts on “8 Practices to Bring You Joy & Meaning – Part 3

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